

Monday, September 4, 2017


If you want to get rid of abdominal fat, you can reduce your fat by using these seven home remedies.Drink half a lemon in a glass of warm water and drink half a lemon in the morning. Mixing honey in it will give you more benefits. In this, metabolism gets brighter and fat is burned soon.Cut the ginger into two pieces and boil one cup of water. After cooking for 10 minutes, remove the pieces of ginger and drink it with tea.

There is an element of reducing the weight of garlic. Lowering a cup of water in a cup of water. Now take three of the garlic with this water. Every morning the consumption of an empty stomach is beneficial
Omega 3 fatty acids in almonds are helpful in reducing fat. Soak 6-8 almonds each night and bake it on the next day and drink half an hour before eating it. Take one or two teaspoons apple cider vinegar to 6 liters of water in a gilash water. This causes calories to burn more.Wrap with mint and coriander. Mix salt and lemon juice in it and cook it and take it with meals every day. Metabolic rates increase due to Fidina intake, so fat burns soon.Aloe vera retains metabolism and allows fat to not be stored. Mix two spoons of aloe vera juice in a spoonful of cumin powder and mix it in the water. Take an empty stomach and eat after 60 minutes.

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